Please note that weekend schemes do not run during August and a formal diagnosis is not needed.
Play Scheme

For children aged 5-11, who have additional needs, neurodiversities and disabilities.
Every day during the holidays, 3 Sundays a month.
10am-4pm, White Lodge Centre.
Play+ Scheme

For children aged 5-11, who require 1:1 or 2:1 (staff:young person) support in all settings.
Every other day during the holidays, 2 Sundays a month.
10am-4pm, White Lodge Centre.
Play ASC Scheme

For children aged 5-11, with autism.
One Sunday every month.
10am-4pm, White Lodge Centre.
IMPORTANT NOTICE - Due to high demand our Play Schemes are currently full, and our waiting list is very lengthy so this is also closed for the time being. We are sorry we cannot support more at this time but we constantly review our capacity and we will notify you when this situation changes.
Thanks a lot for offering such a variety of activities to the children! Every day, there is something wonderful happening.
Please note that weekend schemes do not run during August and a formal diagnosis is not needed.
Youth Scheme

For children and young people aged 12-18, who have additional needs, neurodiversities and disabilities.
Every day during the holidays, 3 Saturdays a month.
11am-5pm, White Lodge Centre at the weekends, Walton Leigh during the holidays
Every Thursday evening term-time: 6pm-9pm, White Lodge Centre.
Youth+ scheme

Children and young people aged 12-18, who require 1:1 or 2:1 (staff:young person) support in all settings.
Every other day during the holidays, 2 Saturdays a month.
11am-5pm, White Lodge Centre.
Youth ASC Scheme

Children and young people aged 12-18 with autism.
One Saturday every month: 11am-5pm, White Lodge Centre.
Every Tuesday evening term-time: 6pm-9pm, White Lodge Centre.
IMPORTANT NOTICE - Due to high demand our Youth Schemes, including our evening and weekend clubs are currently full, and our waiting list is very lengthy so this is also closed for the time being. We are sorry we cannot support more at this time but we constantly review our capacity and we will notify you when this situation changes.
I am really pleased that my daughter is getting more and more vocal. At the moment our home education, with all the support from you guys (holiday club, weekend club and afterschool club) really works in her favour. The staff are often young and energetic and have specialist knowledge, which inspires her to communicate.

Varied activities to enjoy and engage
Our PYC young people enjoy a diverse range of exciting and engaging activities that utilise our great facilities: sensory rooms, adapted kitchens and gardens and a hydro pool (once it's refurbishment is complete). Enriching activities such as cookery, music, drama, arts and outdoor play is on offer as well as getting out and about. This enables the young people to experience a variety of social activities whilst developing key life skills to enable independence and confidence.
Experience and quality of care
Our clubs have earned a great reputation by Ofsted and we continually strive for excellence in our provision of care. Whilst actively listening to what our young people enjoy doing, our staff and expertise gives reassurance to families and carers.
Something for everyone
We can recommend the club that would be best suited to you and your child’s needs and availability.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: If I live outside of Surrey can I access the Play and Youth Schemes?
No, we only provide support for children and young people living in Surrey County boroughs.
Q: How can I pay for my child’s session?
We can accept bank transfers, cheques or card payments
Bank transfers
Account name: White Lodge Centre
Sort code: 60-23-34
Account number: 33450994
Ref: Your child’s name and club in the reference.
Pay make cheques payable to 'White Lodge Centre'
Write your child's name and club on the back of the cheque
Card payment
Please call reception to make a card payment: 01932 567131
Cancellation policy: you must cancel within 5 business days of the scheme running to receive a full refund.
Q: Is it possible to transfer money to other sessions if they do not attend?
If you cancel within 5 business days of the club’s session or do not turn up on the day we will not be able to transfer your payment. If White Lodge is forced to cancel the club’s session then your payment will be transferred to future sessions. Alternatively, you may request for a full refund by contacting
Q: Is there a waiting list to access the play and youth clubs?
Due to high demand our waiting list is currently closed for all our play and youth clubs. We constantly review our capacity and when this situation changes we will update this page.
Q: What is the cost of the parental contribution for each session?
£25 per session. A concession rate of £15 is applied to families accessing benefits. The cost of our evening club is £5.
Q: Are support staff able to meet my child’s needs?
We currently have trained support staff in the following: Epilepsy including emergency medication: Buccal midazolam and Paraldehyde, gastronomy, Vagus Nerve Stimulation and manual handling hoist operator. All support undergo rigourous safeguarding training. First aiders are always present at our PYC sessions.
We currently do not have trained staff in the following: oxygen, diabetes. However, please still enquire as we might be able to offer a family based service for these young people.
We have access to 1:1 staff support on all play and youth schemes, please note the criteria for 1:1 support is based on safety needs deemed by White Lodge Centre.
Q: How many dates will my child be allocated per year?
Parents/Carers who are fully registered have access to the PYC booking forms. All requests completed by the deadline date will be allocated fairly based on what has been requested and what, as a service, we are able to provide at that current time.
We aim to provide each child and young person a minimum of 12 sessions a year.
If you would like your child to be considered for our clubs in the future, please complete an Expression of Interest form.

Contact us
Play and Youth Clubs team
01932 567131