Our vision is "a world which is inclusive to all, regardless of ability".
We currently support over 1,200 individuals across Surrey and beyond through a diverse range of services for all ages and abilities.
We are based on a wonderful two acre site in Chertsey in three specialist buildings with great facilities and services for all ages, including: physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, a specialist nursery, hydrotherapy, holiday clubs, personal support in the home, short breaks (respite), fitness and rehabilitation and many activities such as trips out, art, baking, swimming, and much more.
Through individual assessments, our teams of highly experienced staff enable those with disabilities to reach their potential through tailored programmes.
It costs approxiamtely £3 million a year to run White Lodge. The costs are not fully met by statutory funding, so we rely on voluntary donations to maintain vital services. We currently fundraise approximately £630,000 per year.
There are many ways to get involved in our work, including volunteering and fundraising or through community groups, schools and local businesses that can partner with us through a range of schemes and opportunities.