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Finance Manager

Head of Fundraising and Marketing

Human Resources Manager
The most rewarding about working at White Lodge for me, is being able to see that you have made a difference to a persons day, whether it be providing respite to parents, or by spending the day with a child, and seeing that you have been able to put a smile on their face, there is nothing more rewarding!
Bonnie McFarlane,
Playworker - Play and Youth Clubs
The best thing about working at White Lodge is seeing first hand the huge impact that our services and support has on so many lives. Working in the fundraising department it really gives you the extra determination and energy you need to raise the funds needed to keep our services running. It's such a unique place!
Claire Browne,
Marketing & Fundraising
After two years in my position I can really see how White Lodge makes such a huge difference to children’s lives and also the lives of their families and carers. At the nursery we go above and beyond to make sure that every child feels included, respected and loved. Consistently seeing the children`s happy faces and hearing their laughter gives me and my team a great sense of achievement. It is often a challenging time for parents of a young child with disabilities, not knowing what the future holds, but we reassure and support them. Parents say we transform their lives and give them hope and confidence for their child’s future. It’s the best job ever
Maria Zadic,
Nursery Co-Ordinator

Treetops Registered Manager

Adult Services Manager

Therapy Manager and Advanced Neurological Physiotherapist

0-5 Services Manager

Service Delivery Lead

Facilities Co-ordinator
Friendly atmosphere where everyone bends over backwards to help.
John Cook,
Senior Maintenance Operative
The opportunities to grow as a professional are endless; the levels of training offered and the amount of exciting projects to be involved with is huge that no year is the same working here.
Leila Mitchell,
Play & Youth Clubs Manager
Seeing the benefits and difference that White Lodge can make to the lives of the people that attend here, as well as the support and understanding that is offered to them.
Beverly Norman,
Administrative Receptionist

My daughter attended nursery for a couple of years and during that time achieved so much more than we expected of her. The team of staff and therapists really believed in her potential when many other professionals didn’t. In the last year her sibling was able to attend as well – the only time they will experience being in an educational setting together. I wanted to give something back and I am extremely proud to have become a trustee for this amazing charity.
Jane Stuart-Palikira
There is nothing more rewarding than helping to enable ability in children and adults through the fantastic work that White Lodge does. My experience in neurotrauma means I can offer insights into the needs of those who come to White Lodge with their families and help them to continue their progress in everyday life skills.
Victoria Jones
My relationship with White Lodge started when I was three years old when I was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.
I attended White Lodge up till the age of seven and have been heavily involved with White Lodge ever since.
It is a privilege to be able to give something back through my role of a Trustee for all the help / support White Lodge has provided me and many other individuals / families.
Sarah Dade
Our Patrons
We are proud to introduce the Patrons of White Lodge.
Gemma Bissix
Guy Beringer QC, CBE
Dr Jean Bowyer FRCP, FRCPCH
Philip Hammond, The Lord Hammond of Runnymede
Chesney and Krissy Hawkes
Penelope Keith OBE, DL
Diana Moran BEM
Rachel Morris MBE
Bonita Norris
Ray Phillpot
Sir Cliff Richard OBE
Sophia Warner BEM
I am proud to be a Patron of White Lodge, a centre of excellence, and to support the wonderful work they do caring for children, young people and adults, with a diverse range of disabilities, including cerebral palsy.
Diana Moran
I was lucky enough to go to school at White Lodge when I was a child and I believe the nurturing and support I received there contributed hugely to my self-belief and confidence to pursue my dreams. We’ve continued to be a great support to each other over the years and I’m very proud to welcome White Lodge as a Superhero Series Charity Friend and prouder still to be invited to be a White Lodge Patron.
Sophia Warner
In 2009, while considering which local charity to support, my curiosity got the better of me. The three unique buildings on the corner of Holloway Hill in Chertsey, which make up White Lodge, had intrigued me for many years, so I made contact and arranged a visit. During a tour of the facilities I met some of the children and adults who attend. I was moved beyond words by the courage and determination that I witnessed. I realised what an important role the centre has in the community and the invaluable support it offers to families as well as those with a disability. I had seen nothing like it before, so my decision to support the White Lodge was an easy one.
A decade on, and now as a Patron, I am as passionate as ever about the work that goes on at the centre. I am actively involved in fundraising, organising events, promoting awareness and providing support in any way that I can.
Ray Phillpot