"White Lodge has quite simply changed my life, I dread to think of what my life would have been like without them"
John has been coming to White Lodge since birth and he is now 39 years old. He has Cerebral Palsy and lost his mobility as a teenager. For 39 years White Lodge has supported John and his family and has quite literally been his and their lifeline.
During his time here John has been supported by many of our life changing services including our nursery, therapy, respite care and adult services.
He now comes to White Lodge 2-3 times a week for physiotherapy and day activities and has great freiends here and loves a bit of banter with them and the staff. He is also an Ambassador for us and visits schools and events to raise disability awareness which he loves!
"The best thing about White Lodge for me is the lifelong friends I've made and the staff. Interaction with others is vital for a rewarding life. Sometimes White Lodge is the only opportunity people have to leave the house and socialise, so it is vital"
"I literally cant wait to get back out into the community to raise awareness of disabiity, esecially to the schools. I absolutely love meeting all the children, they ask the most direct and funny questions."